Pensée pour ce matin:

It is written:

 “For who is God but Adonai? Who is a Rock but our God?” (Psalm 18:32)

Il est écrit:

“Qui est Dieu, sinon l’Eternel? Qui est un roc? C’est notre Dieu!” (Psaume 18:32)

Our God and Father sent His Word to us announcing shalom through His Son Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), and made Him Lord of everything.

Notre Dieu et Père nous a envoyé Sa Parole pour nous annoncer la paix par Son Fils Yeshoua le Messie (Jésus-Christ), et l’a fait Seigneur de tous les hommes

God our Father anointed His Son Yeshua (Jesus) from Natzeret with the Ruach HaKodesh (Saint-Esprit) and with power. His God and Father, our God, was with Him.

Dieu notre Père a oint Son Fils Yeshoua (Jésus) de Nazareth en répandant sur Lui la puissance du Saint-Esprit. Son Dieu et Père, notre Dieu, était avec Lui.

By the grace of God, we can proclaim today, that this man Yeshua is the Son of God and has been appointed by God to judge the living and the dead.  Everyone who puts his trust in Him receives forgiveness of sins through His name.

Par la grâce de Dieu nous pouvons proclamer aujourd’hui que cet homme Yeshoua est le Fils de Dieu et c’est Lui que Dieu a désigné pour juger les vivants et les morts. Tout homme qui croit en Lui reçoit par Lui le pardon de ses péchés.

About Jacques Guillard

It is not that I have already obtained it or already reached the goal — no, I keep pursuing it in the hope of taking hold of that for which the Messiah Yeshua took hold of me.
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